Why Won’t This Remote Program?

No matter what style of remote you are programming, several things can cause the remote portion to not program. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons behind failed programming of remotes.

Remote Head Key

Remote Fob

Proximity Fob

1: Weak or dead battery in the remote: Some vehicles need to see a signal from the remote being programmed, some designs are all in one and program at the same time, such as a proximity Fob.

2: Non-functioning or damaged remote system on the vehicle preventing programming from going through: Check to make sure all door locks function properly from the main control located either on the driver’s door or the center console. Even a sticking door lock can prevent programming depending on the vehicle.

3: Attempting to program the wrong remote: Always verify the FCC and OE part number when possible. If the customer does not have a working remote it may be necessary to contact a dealer and identify the correct OE# by Vin#.

Best practice for remote programming would be:

1: Verify FCC/OE part #

2: Verify the remote has a strong signal

3: Verify the vehicle’s door locks function properly

4: Open and close all vehicle doors to make sure they are fully closed

If you have any questions or would like us to address a specific topic in a future article, feel free to send us an email. Stay tuned for our next Tech Tip!


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